This assignment requires students to respond to a colleague’s concerns about the use of behavior modification in the classroom, providing an example of how it can be implemented ethically and effectively.

This assignment requires students to respond to a colleague’s concerns about the use of behavior modification in the classroom, providing an example of how it can be implemented ethically and effectively.

see the attached page for full details
EDSP 6341 Discussion 1 Assignment Watch the Video: Introduction to Applied Behavioral Analysis
Module 1 Discussion
One of your colleagues is concerned about your use of “behavior modification” with your students and thinks that you are applying inhumane, coercive, and unethical procedures. What is your response? Provide an example to your colleague of how you have used or could use behavior modification with a client, a student, or with a class. Review the rubric to ensure the most points possible. Must be more than 1 paragraph and have at least 2 references. References must be APA cited and in text citations must be intact. Please refer as part of my response to this to Crisis Prevention Institute Methods as I am a certified trainer and believe wholeheartedly in the foundation and methods of this program.

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This assignment requires students to respond to a colleague’s concerns about the use of behavior modification in the classroom, providing an example of how it can be implemented ethically and effectively.

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