
This assignment requires asynchronous participation in a discussion forum on the topic of increased government surveillance during the COVID-19 pandemic, including its impact on security and privacy.

This assignment requires asynchronous participation in a discussion forum on the topic of increased government surveillance during the COVID-19 pandemic, including its impact on security and privacy.

Participate in the Discussion Forums as follows:
Asynchronous Participation
The Discussion Forum will be graded using the following:50% for your initial post
25% for response one
25% for response two
Points will be deducted for poor quality participation.
Discussions will revolve around current events. If I ask you a question, I expect you to answer my question. I also encourage you to be critical and respond to one of the discussion threads with a professional counterargument. Remember, professionalism and common courtesy are expected during the Discussion Forum dialogues.
You will fully participate in the Discussion Forum asynchronously before the due date, which will be Sunday of the week at 11:59 pm.
You must make your initial post.
Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words.
You must respond to at least two people in the Discussion Forum .
You must cite at least two sources using APA in-text citations.
For maximum credit you must:
Be articulate, thoughtful, yet concise (quality over quantity)
Demonstrate critical thinking and in-depth dialogueThe objective of the discussion forums is to develop a discussion that stimulates critical thinking
Demonstrate professionalism, common courtesy, and respect during the discussions
Actively participate in the discussions
Responding to other students
Asking questions
Challenging another person’s argument
Using information from your assigned readings
Using outside resources to the discussion
Demonstrating critical thinking
Active and timely engagement – at least three days in the assignment period
DO NOTRespond with a simple, Great Post! I agree with you!
Miss the initial post due date
Miss responding to at least two people in the Discussion Forum
Discussion Forum Resources:
Read Data and Goliath:
“Data as Surveillance” pp. 20-45.
“Government Surveillance and Control” pp. 62-77
Conduct Individual Research – National responses to COVID-19 2020
Discussion Prompt:
After reading Data and Goliath and conducting individual research, discuss how COVID-19 increased surveillance of society by government authorities. Additionally, discuss
How does the policy enhance the security of the nation
How does the policy infringe on privacy

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