please don’t use CHATGPT
Current emphasis on patient safety has increased the awareness of the critical role advocacy plays in promoting safe & clinical practice. Studies have shown that there is an increase in hospital-acquired infections if nurses’ are unable to fully advocate for their patients. For this discussion forum, I would like you to conduct an academic inquiry on your chosen topic. Provide at least two current research and or EBP, provide a thorough nursing consideration & provide at least 1-2 thought provoking questions for your peers to ponder over. There is no minimum word count for this assignment, I expect that you will provide a thorough write up of your professional opinion on the topic. Please utilize APA concepts and follow the rubric so that you can be aware of the grading component for this assignment.
Patient Advocacy
Patient Safety
Surgical Site Infections
Medical Errors & Lawsuits
Anesthesia Complications
Advance Directives, POLST
make sure you follow this rubric
1) Discussion postings
display an excellent
understanding of the
required readings
and underlying
concepts such as
correct use of
terminology and
proper citation.
Discussion posting
integrates real-life
application and
considers alternative
No more than 10% of
the posting is a direct
2) Discussion postings
actively stimulate and
sustain further
discussion by
building on peers’
responses including
building a focused argument around a specific issue, asking new and related questions
This assignment requires an academic inquiry on a chosen topic related to patient safety and advocacy, including at least two current research or EBP sources, a thorough nursing consideration, and thought-provoking questions for peers to ponder.
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please don’t use CHATGPTCurrent emphasis on patient safety has increased the awareness of the critical role advocacy plays in promoting safe & clinical practice. Studies have shown that there is an increase in hospital-acquired infections if nurses’ are unable to fully advocate for their patients. For this discussion forum, I would like you to conduct…