This assignment asks you to explain Aristotle’s belief that ethical virtues are not innate, but can be developed through habit, and to provide your own opinion on this idea.

This assignment asks you to explain Aristotle’s belief that ethical virtues are not innate, but can be developed through habit, and to provide your own opinion on this idea.

In his Nichomachean Ethics, Aristotle claims that “ethical virtues do not come about by nature – but neither do they come about contrary to nature: we are naturally constituted so as to acquire them, but it is by habit that they are fully developed.”
Explain what Aristotle means by this, making reference to the reading. Why does he think this is so? Explain why you agree or disagree with Aristotle’s view.

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In his Nichomachean Ethics, Aristotle claims that “ethical virtues do not come about by nature – but neither do they come about contrary to nature: we are naturally constituted so as to acquire them, but it is by habit that they are fully developed.” Explain what Aristotle means by this, making reference to the reading.…

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