
This assignment analyzes the factors that lead hospitals to open general clinics within their facilities, and discusses the resulting benefits for consumers and the hospital itself, as well as the factors that contribute to high healthcare costs.

This assignment analyzes the factors that lead hospitals to open general clinics within their facilities, and discusses the resulting benefits for consumers and the hospital itself, as well as the factors that contribute to high healthcare costs.

General clinics within hospitals are popping up all over the United States. Some say that this is to reduce costs to the consumer as well as to the hospital.
– Analyze the factors that would lead a hospital to do this.
– Identify a hospital in your area that opened a walk-in/family type clinic within the hospital(not an emergency room) and provide an overview of how this implementation reduced costs to the consumer and reduced costs to the hospital itself.
Discuss the consumer benefits:
How has it saved the consumer money?
Has it provided greater access to care? How so?
Has it provided more timely access to care? how so?
Discuss the Hospital benefits:
Is the hospital making money or losing money with this decision, i.e. increase in revenue or loss of revenue?
Has it saved the hospital money and if so, explain?
Did costs increase or decrease or stay the same?
Did it increase overall efficiency within the Emergency Room?
Has it increased efficiency in manpower?
– Discuss the factors that make healthcare cost so much.
***Use support from at least three reputable Healthcare sources (other than course materials), i.e. Course reading, professional association Web-based materials, and/or professional or peer-reviewed journal articles written in the last five years are required as sources.

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