
Target Case Study Project -Target Case Study Project A major assignment in this course will be to complete create an action plan for rolling out a new Coaching Model and present your action plan with a narrated PowerPoint. This will not be any ordinary narrated presentation as you will be evaluated on your delivery and organization of your presentation, in addition to the research you will do.

Target Case Study Project -Target Case Study Project A major assignment in this course will be to complete create an action plan for rolling out a new Coaching Model and present your action plan with a narrated PowerPoint. This will not be any ordinary narrated presentation as you will be evaluated on your delivery and organization of your presentation, in addition to the research you will do.

Target Case Study ProjectTarget Case Study Project
A major assignment in this course will be to complete create an action plan for rolling out a new Coaching Model and present your action plan with a narrated PowerPoint. This will not be any ordinary narrated presentation as you will be evaluated on your delivery and organization of your presentation, in addition to the research you will do.
Getting started:
Read the Target Case Assignment Instructions with Presentation Guidelines (docx) Target Case Assignment Instructions with Presentation Guidelines (docx) – Alternative Formats
Review the Target Case Assignment Rubric (docx) Target Case Assignment Rubric (docx) – Alternative Formats
Review the Leading Through Change – Target Project.pdf Leading Through Change – Target Project.pdf – Alternative Formats
Watch the Case Study Introduction and Q&A videos below.

Selling: Building Partnerships, 11th Edition, with Connect Access.
Author: Stephen B Castleberry and John F Tanner Jr.

Please see comments in target presentation below to revise PowerPoint and action plan word document.
Please revise and add to the action plan document for power point presentation and add it to the notes in the PowerPoint presentation.

MRKT3050 Assignment – Target Case Study Presentation


Your assignment is to create an action plan for rolling out the new Coaching Model to the nine stores in the district. You will present your action plan with a narrated PowerPoint. You are a Human Resources business consultant with a specialty in improving Sales, and your audience is the District Manager and the nine store managers.

The store managers have all completed training to learn about the coaching model (also called “coaching strategy”) and its methods. Your job is to help them implement it in their stores.

This case study is fictional, but in reality, Target has recently made a significant change to its management structure in the stores.

Getting started:

  • Read the case study entitled “Leading through change, target project” (located in the course)
  • Watch the two videos posted in the “Project” area, in which a real Target store director describes the recent changes to structure, logistics, and operations in the stores.
  • Research the Coaching Model in depth.

Create your plan and presentation:

Please see the guidelines for creating a high-quality presentation:

  1. The presentation should be 5-10 minutes in length, 7-10 slides.
  2. Your slides should be professional and appropriate for a business presentation. Slides should not be too busy – they should portray the important information while the details are covered in the narration.  Good slides might include company logos, store images, product images, tables of data, charts, etc. Remember, you want to show Target you understand their culture and management structure.
  3. Clearly identify who you are: name and position.
  4. Presenter clearly knows who their audience is:  are they presenting to their employees in their same company or to someone else?
  5. As a high-level sales executive, deliver a strong and confident narration to that audience.
  6. Clearly state what the problem is…restate from the Target case study.
  7. Compare and contrast sales performance at two different retailers for the past year.  Analyze the competition’s sales performance versus Target.
  8. Propose a detailed solution to all aspects of the problem; The best presentation will offer multiple ideas to address the problem based on learning in this course through the entire term.
  9. Make a connection to the textbook from throughout the entire term when diagnosing the problem(s) and proposing the solution(s).  This may be added to #6 and #8 as works cited references instead of a separate section.

Outside data, or learning from other courses, may also be used at the presenters’ discretion.

  1. Show how the proposed solutions will benefit (1) the retail store chain that sells the product, and (2) the end-user/customer.
  2. Anticipate objections and address them:  what objection is each group of stake-holders likely to have with the proposed solution(s) and what does the presenter offer to overcome those objections?
  3. Finish with a strong call to action:  it needs to be perfectly clear who needs to be doing what and by when.  It needs to end with a sense of urgency.  Do the proposed solutions offer any incentives to any of the groups of stakeholders?

The grading rubric will assess your presentation on the following:

  1. RESEARCH:  Does the student demonstrate full knowledge by answering with full explanation & elaboration along with any budget issues?
  2. ORGANIZATION:  Does the student present information in logical, interesting sequence?
  3. DELIVERY:  Does the student use a clear voice and correct and precise pronunciation?
  4. LENGTH:  Does the student use their allotted time in a constructive manner?
  5. PREPARATION:  Is the student is fully prepared to present, having studied the material and prepared suitable slides?

Review the full rubric posted in the course.

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Introduction This issue pertains to a district comprising nine stores and introducing a new method for evaluating talent. Coaching for results, rather than managing for performance, will replace it with Target’s leadership style. The task is to convince and direct the nine stores to successfully adopt this change, even though all the required procedures, compliance…

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