researching and discussing the impact of modern weaponry on war, specifically focusing on how it has changed warfare forever.

researching and discussing the impact of modern weaponry on war, specifically focusing on how it has changed warfare forever.

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11th grade History research paper
Started writing the paper, this is what I have so far:
How has Modern Weaponry changed War forever
Over the course of America’s history we have had our fair share of wars. There was The Revolutionary war, The War of 1812, The Mexican War, Civil War, WW1, WW2 and more but there is one big difference between the wars of then and now. The weaponry of today has completely changed the way we fight, act and go into wars. Wars then and now are completely different, like comparing how the revolutionary war was versus the Iraq war. The technology difference for weapons between then and now is mind blowing. Not just the weapons, also the war tactics and vehicles such as jets and tanks. Weapons have of course changed drastically also, from swords and musket ball rifles to the armor, uniforms, rifles and sidearms we use today.
The Revolutionary War, The Revolutionary war is a very important war in history and The United States most important war that we have ever won. Though what did we use to win, what strategies, techniques, weapons and transportation did we use? During the war the British wanted to fight by basically standing in an open field and firing weapons at each other but American soldiers knew if they fought like that there was no way they would win so they made techniques the most effective and known being guerrilla warfare. The Americans would Basically raid British supply crates for guns as in flintlock muskets and flintlock pistols. These weapons were quite amazing for their time but they were quite inconvenient. To use one of said rifles first you would pour black powder down the barrel then put cotton in and a metal ball on top of it then use a rod to ram the ball down hence called a ram rod. Then you would put more powder on the striker of the weapon and pull back the hammer which has a flint and pull the trigger. As you may be able to tell this is a long process so these were slow but deadly weapons. The Americans would ambush British troops resulting in nine hundred casualties for the british. Guerilla warfare’s main goal is to basically wear down the enemy to the point were they will either retreat or lose the war in general and be forced to retreat, guerilla warfare is often called the rebels tactics, and in this war we were basically the rebels. The weapons and tactics from the Revolutionary war and the civil war had a pretty decent change.

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