This assignment focuses on the use of nonparametric methods, specifically the Wilcoxon signed-rank and rank-sum tests, to analyze data and make decisions regarding public health issues.
This assignment focuses on nonparametric methods. When a researcher is not in a situation to be able to assume parametric statistical methods requirements, known distribution, or dealing with…
4 min read
This assignment asks students to analyze an excerpt by Daniel Rodgers on “Gender and Certainty” in the context of late twentieth-century American society, and to discuss the cultural history of gender, including its role in the “culture war” of the
I have provided the reading as an attachment. Below is the questions.
4 min read
selecting and prioritizing two example projects, one focused on plan-driven project planning and management and the other on Agile project planning and management, and using them throughout the course to demonstrate techniques and concepts from the textbook chapters.
CASE ASSIGNMENT 1 – Selecting and Prioritizing Projects Over the course of this semester, we will use two example projects throughout the chapters of this book. Project 1…
4 min read
analyzing a film or TV episode in relation to World War II and its historical context, using class lectures and readings to frame the analysis.
HIST 4364 Film Analysis Below is a list of eligible films/tv episodes that connect to class information. Choose one film or 2 tv episodes from the list to…
4 min read
The assignment is about the journey and survival of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca and three other survivors of the Panfilio de Narvaez expedition, who were shipwrecked, abandoned, and enslaved by Native Americans
Read the following introduction: Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca (1490-1556) was part of the Panfilio de Narvaez expedition that explored the Gulf coast in 1528. Out of several…
4 min read
writing a position paper on a current healthcare issue to seek support from a legislator.
A position paper is a document you could present to a legislator to seek support for an issue you endorse. Present your position on a current healthcare issue…
4 min read