reading two journal articles on strategic management and using the information to create a top 5 list that integrates the research with the chapter and applies it to modern business happenings.
2. Read Two Journal Articles Due Tonight by 10pm 1. The seminal 1985 article Henry Mintzberg and James Waters: Mintzberg, H., & Waters, J. A. (1985). Of strategies,…
4 min read
responding to two case studies with 250 words and at least 2 references each, using APA style, on topics related to hematopoietic and cardiovascular diseases. discussing the contributing factors and potential complications of iron deficiency anemia, constipation, and dehydration in a patient with a history of intermenstrual bleeding, osteoarthritis, and medication use. This assignment discusses the diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment of iron deficiency anemia in a patient, as well as the risk factors for cardiovascular disease and the characteristics of an acute coronary event.
#1 Abigayle Reply to each with APA style and at least 250 words and at least 2 references each Hematopoietic Case Study Risk Factors for Iron Deficiency Anemia…
4 min read
creating a care plan for inflammatory bowel disease, including identifying and prioritizing nursing diagnoses, developing a plan for two nursing diagnoses, and listing nine nursing interventions for each diagnosis.
Create an inflammatory bowel Deseas care plan with the following instructions 1-Identify and list (5) Nursing Diagnoses in order of priority. 2. Develop a Nursing Care Plan utilizing…
4 min read
discussing a chosen point related to pursuing an advanced degree and using a generative AI to produce an initial response, critically evaluating it, and refining the insights with financial expertise and personal judgment.
Imagine you are considering pursuing an advanced degree, such as a master’s degree or a Ph.D. You have been presented with an attractive student loan package to finance…
4 min read
This assignment asks students to research and analyze the management structure and responsibilities of a federal healthcare agency involved in the Covid-19 pandemic response, in order to prepare for a future evaluation of the agency’s initial response.
Overview While many factors determine policy and decision-making in federal agencies, one that is significant and often shared among them, is how they are organized and managed. Next…
4 min read
discussing the role of a federal healthcare agency in promoting public health and applying a managerial function to support one of its missions.
Week 3 Discussion – How Do Federal Health Agencies Help?s Choose a federal healthcare agency (e.g., CDC, FDA, NIH) and discuss briefly how it promotes or contributes to…
4 min read