
recommending a new computer to a friend and considering factors such as budget, primary uses, software, gaming, multitasking, storage, overclocking, online activities, number of monitors, peripherals, and reasons for upgrading.

recommending a new computer to a friend and considering factors such as budget, primary uses, software, gaming, multitasking, storage, overclocking, online activities, number of monitors, peripherals, and reasons for upgrading.

Each Reply is numbered in the attached word Doc. Please use atleast 2 references and site them in apa format. Below is the copied question asked. Remember when replying to these post in the word doc. agree or disgree give facts and support your opinion.
A common problem when buying a new computer is that there are so many options that a potential buyer becomes confused as to what they need and what best suits their budget. Customers are faced with myriad CPU speeds and differences between Intel and AMD processors, screen sizes and high-end video cards, memory and operating systems, the number of choices can be overwhelming. It is also important to remember, that one person’s needs and budget may not be the same as ours, so we have to keep this in mind when picking the right computer.
Now that you have taken at least one Information Technology class (this one), you may have friends and family consider you the ‘expert’ on all things technology. Some may contact you to recommend a computer, whether they need a desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone, or gaming unit.
Use this forum to address three of the following questions when recommending a new computer to your friend:
Laptop, Desktop, Smartphone?
What are their budget constraints?
What are the primary uses for this computer (mail, web browsing, programming, games, etc.)?
What software do they intend on using on the computer?
Do they play games? If so, what type of games?
Do they tend to have a lot of programs running at the same time, or do they close every program when you are done using it?
Do they store a lot of pictures or music on the computer?
Will they be overclocking?
Will the computer be used for online shopping/shipment/prices/banking?
How many monitors are they planning to use?
Do they need peripherals? OS?
Any particular reason why they are upgrading? For each of the three questions you choose, explain the relevance to the computers you will recommend. For instance, whether or not the user plays games is relevant to the graphics card and monitor quality.

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