
reading two journal articles on strategic management and using the information to create a top 5 list that integrates the research with the chapter and applies it to modern business happenings.

reading two journal articles on strategic management and using the information to create a top 5 list that integrates the research with the chapter and applies it to modern business happenings.

2. Read Two Journal Articles Due Tonight by 10pm 1. The seminal 1985 article Henry Mintzberg and James Waters:
Mintzberg, H., & Waters, J. A. (1985). Of strategies, deliberate and
emergent. Strategic Management Journal, 6(3), 257-272.
2. History of Strategic Management article by Robert Hoskisson
and colleagues: Hoskisson, R. E., Wan, W. P., Yiu, D., & Hitt, M. A.
(1999). Theory and research in strategic management: Swings of a
pendulum. Journal of Management, 25(3), 417-456.
3. Create a Top 5 List: After completing these
readings, develop a top 5 list that integrates the research articles
with the chapter and applies the material to modern business happening
Move details and examples in pdf form below.

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2. Read Two Journal Articles Due Tonight by 10pm 1. The seminal 1985 article Henry Mintzberg and James Waters: Mintzberg, H., & Waters, J. A. (1985). Of strategies, deliberate and emergent. Strategic Management Journal, 6(3), 257-272. 2. History of Strategic Management article by Robert Hoskisson and colleagues: Hoskisson, R. E., Wan, W. P., Yiu, D.,…

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