
discussing the impact of multi-channel distribution on consumer purchasing behavior, specifically in regards to the availability of same-day or next-day delivery on Amazon.

discussing the impact of multi-channel distribution on consumer purchasing behavior, specifically in regards to the availability of same-day or next-day delivery on Amazon.

RE: DQ 1 Multi-channel Distribution
Participation Post: optional but goes toward your Participation Points.
Hey Adoesha & Class:
Adoesha: Appreciate your discussion in our Channels topic. Channel conflict can cause huge disruptions in pricing; an example we occasionally see is when an online product shows it sold for an incredibly low price via an online sale — auctions, like eBay, can cause such.
Many companies today would use multi-channel distribution to get all their products and services out to customers. This short video (4 min, 20 sec) give a nice overview of the process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKLHEnuS__0
In a business-to-consumer (B2C) arena, this was the traditional path:
Producer (or manufacturer) to an intermediary (distributor, reseller, wholesaler) to retail to customer. (We’ll talk more “intermediary” in the next DQ).
Now this has changed somewhat.
In buying a product on Amazon, does have same-day or next-day delivery change your level of interest in buying that product (vs waiting 3 to 5 days via USPS / UPS)?
Thanks for watching and reading,
Professor John Troutman
Tutor2u. (2019, Feb. 19). Multichannel distribution. [Video] YouTube REPLY

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