
discussing personal thoughts and experiences on writing nonfiction, as well as choosing and analyzing three quotes from Elise Hancock’s “A Matter of Attitude” that have had an impact on the writer’s attitude towards writing. providing a specific set of credentials and signatures for accessing an Amazon S3 server.

discussing personal thoughts and experiences on writing nonfiction, as well as choosing and analyzing three quotes from Elise Hancock’s “A Matter of Attitude” that have had an impact on the writer’s attitude towards writing. providing a specific set of credentials and signatures for accessing an Amazon S3 server.

Read the attached document, “A Matter of Attitude” from Elise Hancock’s book Ideas into Words: Mastering the Craft of Scientific Writing (also available in Bb > Readings & Videos). Hancock shares several insights she has about “being” a writer and “doing” the writing and encourages you to cultivate and nurture an attitude that supports strong writing. In your response, discuss your own thoughts and experiences on writing nonfiction (science-based or other) and what, if any, challenges you encountered. In addition, choose and directly quote at least 3 statements or phrases that you found particularly intriguing, enlightening, or helpful, and discuss why those ideas have an impact on you, whether personally as a student and/or as a person pursuing your chosen career.
Integrate the three quotes thoughtfully and meaningfully into your own sentences and/or paragraphs (avoid “hit and run” quoting) and do your best to provide accurate in-text citations in APA format. You do not need to include the APA reference citation or page itself; see the bottom of each page of the PDF for the publication year, which is always part of an APA in-text citation. See The Little Seagull Handbook pp. 330-336 and Bb > Writing & Research Resources > Research & Citation Links > Integrating Sources into Your Writing for information on best-practices using signal phrases and in-text citations. Example quote and citation format: Author’s name(s) in signal phrase:
According to Hancock (2003), “[direct quote]” (p. 8).
Author’s name NOT in signal phrase: Practice being a writer; for example, “[direct quote]” (Hancock, 2003, p. 10). A couple of tips (see more in the Writing & Research Resources):
Do NOT change the meaning of a quote or take it out of context to “twist” the author’s words.
Make sure that the entire sentence, from signal/introductory phrase to quote from source, is grammatically correct.
** I am not requiring a formal References page for this response. here is the book https://learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com/5fd7c8b907729/7439210?X-Blackboard-S3-Bucket=learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos&X-Blackboard-Expiration=1705892400000&X-Blackboard-Signature=Iz%2BnVbwDXBKSbOUaEm2Xc5bbDwmGSDTBSyOC9F%2FSJzI%3D&X-Blackboard-Client-Id=210048&X-Blackboard-S3-Region=us-east-1&response-cache-control=private%2C%20max-age%3D21600&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3D%22%5C%22A%20Matter%20of%20Attitude%5C%22.pdf%22%3B%20filename%2A%3DUTF-8%27%27%2522A%2520Matter%2520of%2520Attitude%2522.pdf&response-content-type=application%2Fpdf&X-Amz-Security-Token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEH4aCXVzLWVhc3QtMSJHMEUCIQCV%2B7MUqhdJpQXSLj8KWk5AWMpZW3V4T81q9SY02Xjf3gIgI7lx29swttcMP%2BiUxbe2bY2dIr%2BI6wnQpIMIIKHMS2kqtAUINxADGgw2MzU1Njc5MjQxODMiDM1TKM7jWBsaz4YWbCqRBTEgo84U7OQr0K%2B4Ma%2F8WD1mklw03fhwL3pJtIgmSobWZ9WaXpdCmuG6oXXVDKblpWOY0LoymZSTzGRhTuZWhzEyzlgHT5IkVhtoHyhAS%2B0jVwGpNZoAJEoJZspTg4wPfaTsu%2Bxt59Kk04iW2i3Bf0GTn%2B9J70NER%2B428FyCMDfbGAPnDF63pu7rogtvX0V0fuIsPZHRcNzPxXkWy9BhLUw7BdDPmG2jYHDXYBiBn3rOWfpLeaFLywXzwmijrrNDRyBPNgzBvHknpsUtFGUIQGajQVs3YsoqWQTMSCX%2BaAFtBZZg0mK6l9YBhZ0%2BgskHBnENY5Ied5Ut4C3ZGeGHwMQGYZoke9nUe6gN5ZeR9Y4UhZGXh05p1AsudA0NN6aRXRLZP7S7Bx4nXcglBFfrWWMfKXVBbi1lfCmELXOT3pXKVyUCdlFA07tsNbMgd7JJX%2FZgtj1nfQ5kb%2FXb4uuvbATnddZxhiYpFVcmPnTC9vUq7HTyLeA2HvbrPqiusmta3rG%2BJ6m9UuUPkGNGzjt1ySj7Nc04jPK9ocT2AviDXlzb7waHNe6nlz1lw0Y5REbSLSwv9ORRoPiO%2FLIFkZNVDr2wPc6ZLTixuFtMmgCqxHbMy4cHUIz1xZZCcjgelustIpM1hNUgsJ98XOvIMDGkqYblSsiO%2B%2FvXHlimxgDK3IQJ1Ireq5Hjq11%2BX79MLIDTM83MtsmZo7KseSa1PHmhCfkV60yfdFoF0V3Xr7O2jWuGR34SNiPIc2oHmFoTPOwaMYxadSEunRV31rUBQsedfuSHGb6aOeGqlTUA%2BeMWUEoklru26BHnzk6VkAzzyJcSjrmJMIv38CmDzFDb9uTP%2BfcTAcG0ievN6idQPWeVKOunqjC8qbatBjqxAaOeuIdBOqzXootum3z76fUquydcMleXtUmClkqiQmx%2Bg8X7nTPZ1CfnEc9j2C2T7Inu4cabX8wE45Ks%2FBDTeR8ZpxWxCFvm34ybQZCqBDx59uGJfK%2FHAnFNWtG7rD54ha1tVvcz%2F6aKiDT2VqwDetPwBwnlniRVQ7oL3gFniaSIpok8rBrUtstQf9bAeiousEVJ3Il5YJkrlhklFBHbR3iWTo5CPpNBqad0kFNKEuCpDw%3D%3D&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20240121T210000Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=21600&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAZH6WM4PLWDA2YMHP%2F20240121%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=ab5bbf8b3b19be0f768a0108e548b5edacd837899779e1fad88279a991775bf0 x….

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