
completing a leadership self-assessment using the DISC Inventory and reflecting on the results to identify strengths and challenges as a leader, as well as developing strategies to mitigate these challenges.

completing a leadership self-assessment using the DISC Inventory and reflecting on the results to identify strengths and challenges as a leader, as well as developing strategies to mitigate these challenges.

Leader Self-Assessment – DISCS Inventory Information
The leadership self-assessment tool is to help identify your current skills and knowledge about leadership qualities and traits. It will only take you about 10-15 minutes to complete but will enable you to see your leadership strengths and challenges. It can be used to help identify strategies for growth. You will complete the leadership self-assessment and then complete a narrative assessment reflecting on the findings. The narrative assessment related to the findings should include: Strengths or challenges you may have as a leader based on the self-assessment
Reflection on the accuracy of the self-assessment
Reflect on your future practice by being able to answer the question related to your specialty area (ex: “What does a nurse practitioner/leader do anyway?) Be specific to your planned specialty focus such as family nurse practitioner, psych-mental health nurse practitioner, acute care adult-geri nurse practitioner, nurse leader or nurse educator)
Identify 3-5 strategies (as specific as possible) to help mitigate your challenges
Actual Disc Assessment (final page printed and included with the paper) The reflective paper should be no more than 2 pages long (not including a title page), written in APA (7th ed) format, One page is the DISCs Model, and one page is your narrative reflection. Use Times New Roman or Calibi (12 point font). NO spelling or grammar errors should be present. You may use the first person in this paper only. (Example: “I will….”; “my strengths are….”). References do not need to be included. DISC Inventory Link
My report result
Your DISC Personality Report
Your specific distribution of scores on the DISC personality test is an indication of your unique personality. You can think of this as your DISC Personality ‘DNA’. In the pie chart below you see your distribution of scores.
The highest percentage is likely to be your most dominant personality factor, the second highest your next most dominant personality factor and so on. As such for you the DISC factors are ordered as: Steadiness, Compliance, Dominance, Influence.PERSONAL SCORESFig. 1DISC SCORES GENDER: MALEAGE: 40
DISC Personality Model
To help you understand the DISC model of personality here are definitions of the four factors measured.
Describes the way you deal with problems, assert yourself and control situations.
Describes the way you deal with people, the way you communicate and relate to others.
Describes your temperament – patience, persistence, and thoughtfulness
Describes how you approach and organize your activity, procedures and responsibilities.

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