
answering questions related to facilitator skills, group cohesion, and group dynamics, using a video and an article as sources.

answering questions related to facilitator skills, group cohesion, and group dynamics, using a video and an article as sources.

Answer each question live the question as heading
reply to the below paragraph statement below
1. Describe 2 facilitator skills that are key in working with a group.
2. Describe the advantages of a cohesive group.
3. View the following video:
Movieclips. (2011, May 30). Patch Adams (2/10) Movie clip – group therapy (1998) HD [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sk9mR3zjrkk
1. Identify 3 factors that impact group cohesion
2. Identify at least 2 errors the facilitator used.
3. How do the factors and facilitator errors impact group development and formation?
4. Discuss the strategies you used to achieve a cohesive group in this field placement.
Forsyth, D. R. (2021). Recent advances in the study of group cohesion. Group dynamics: Theory, research, and practice, 25(3), 213–228.
Use the video if you cant open the source above

Group dynamics are the forces that result from the interaction of group members and that influence the behavior of both the individual group member and the group as a whole. Group dynamics include: 1) group cohesion, the attraction of members of the group toward each other and is influenced by common needs and interests between members; 2) group culture, the values, beliefs, customs, and traditions held in common by members of the group 3) communication and interaction patterns among group members and 4) social control or the ability of the group to force compliance and conformity from its members are influenced by: norms, roles and status.

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