
Identify a social movement that you have seen in your life experiences or learned about historically.

social movement

Identify a social movement that you have seen in your life experiences or learned about historically.

Before beginning this activity, be sure to read the Module Notes and the assigned readings and viewings. Use as much detail from the readings and other learning materials in the module as possible to answer the following questions.

  1. First, identify a social movement that you have seen in your life experiences or learned about historically.
  2. Identify the type of movement and discuss how the four stages were met as the movement developed.
  3. Explain why the movement succeeded or failed to bring about social change.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words and must substantively integrate the assigned readings with proper APA style formatting. For assistance with APA style formatting, Visit Library or the Excelsior OWL Your initial post is due by Thursday at 11:59 PM ET. Your responses are due by Sunday at 11:59 PM ET.

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The American Civil Rights Movement is one social movement that has historically influenced African Americans. This movement aimed to provide legal human rights and safeguarding all citizens, and to put an end to racial segregation and discrimination (McKersie, 2021). Type of Movement The Civil Rights Movement is a reformative social movement (Conerly et al., 2021).…

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